Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope that you all had as great of a day as we did. We have so much to be thankful for.

We started out our day just hanging out, watching the Macy's parade, eating a big breakfast and being lazy. Later in the afternoon we went to my Grandma's house to visit for a little while before we headed to Kyle's mom's house for dinner.

It was a great day to just spend together, eating.

And this is how our day ended -

Fun around the house

Brayden being a marker monster!

Showing his Johnston blood - helping mom make the pudding pie for Thanksgiving.

Making hand Turkeys - except that they didn't really look like turkeys...
And he wasn't very interested in looking at the camera.

So much fun!

This has been their routine since Brayden was just a baby!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We have a jumper!

Time just flies!

Sorry it has been so long since an update. I can't believe how time just flies. We haven't been up to much of any excitement which is part of the reason for the delay. No point in posting if there isn't anything to talk about. I did realize though that I never even posted Halloween pictures.

On Halloween Kyle and I had to chaperon a Halloween Party at our church, so we didn't have much time for Trick-Or-Treating. We met up with Grandma Maryanne and Tiyler and went trunk-or-treating at the Impact Church in Lowell. Whoever came up with this concept was brilliant. It took us about 20 minutes to hit a parking lot full of cars. The kids ended up with more than enough candy, and it didn't involve dragging a toddler to a bunch of houses. Brayden of course didn't really understand the concept at first, but once he realized that he was getting candy and that all the other kids were really excited about it, he started to really get into it.

We also took Brayden to his very first Red Arrow football game. The Red Arrows took on Caledonia for a very good game. I have to say that I have never seen Red Arrow Stadium so full. The game was pretty stressful right around half time, but they ended up pulling of a win. Unfortunately, they couldn't keep the streak going and have now ended their season. :( We only stayed until the end of the third quarter, but he had a blast. We had to park at an elementary school and take a shuttle to the stadium, so he got to take his very first bus ride, which was beyond super exciting. Once we got to the game he got to see Brittany and Travis, some of his favorite people in the world. Brittany is a cheerleader, and since this is her senior year, this was also our last chance to see her cheer. Unfortunately, the picture I have of Brit isn't very good, the stinkin cheerleaders kept moving.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bowling Champ!

Brayden's first attempt at bowling - he had an absolute blast. He did pretty good - a 98 the first game and an 86 the second. ( The pictures aren't very good. I didn't know that we were actually going to bowl so I didn't bring my camera. A nice lady on one of the leagues down there took some pictures with her cell phone and emailed them to me.)

Having fun at Mimi and Papa's!

The Zoo Goes Boo!

We took Brayden to John Ball Zoo last Saturday for The Zoo Goes Boo. Basically, all the kids dress up in their Halloween costume and walk around the zoo. They have some tables set up along a path where they can trick-or-treat, getting candy and coloring books and the such. They also had some other fun activities set up, arts and crafts and scarecrow building and the such. We didn't do any of the "other" activities though, they were so busy and looked a little beyond Brayden. It was a beautiful fall day and the animals were full of life, which was really nice. The last time that I was at this zoo it was so hot that barely any of the animals were out and about. Oh yeah, and we had a really cute monkey follow us around the zoo the whole time. We actually ended up bringing him home with us :)

Like I said, the animals were really active. I was so thrilled to see the bears up and moving - I don't think I have ever caught them on a good day before!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

That Daddy, he is a sneaky one!

Family Pictures - Part 1

We had some pictures taken at Fallasburg Park on Saturday. Here are a few of the ones that she sent me. She took a ton and is working on editing them (it was really sunny out), but she emailed me some of her favorites so far. I will post more when I get the whole disk next week.

And I have no idea where my son became such a ham...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A new way to give a bath?

Tent or Hide-out?

Brayden has been obsessed with making tents lately, so while I was attempting to make apple dumplings on Sunday Kyle and Brayden built a tent in the middle of the living room.

He used to find it fun to just play in the "tents" that we made, but lately he keeps saying that the bad guys are coming and that we need to hide. Not sure what that is all about or where he got it from, but I guess that since he isn't seeming actually scared about the idea of bad guys, what the heck...
Maybe this new thought goes with the fact that he keeps sticking us in the dungeon and tells us that we can't move. Last night he even told me that I couldn't talk while in the dungeon and that was while we were in the middle of Wal-Mart.

Busy times

So, it has been a busy week and it seems like time just flies by. Last weekend Kyle and I had our first youth group outing. We are being scouted to be the leaders of the 4th, 5th and 6th grade youth group at church. Before we agreed to anything we wanted to spend some time with them to see what it was like. We were very hesitant to agree to such an undertaking, wondering if we were actually right for the job. After much discussion and prayer, we decided to give it a shot.

What started out as us tagging along on an outing turned in to us actually chaperoning the entire thing due to the Christian Ed. Director being called to Texas to help with Hurricane Ike relief - but we survived and so did the kids. We all went to Bounce Party, which is a huge warehouse type building full of giant inflatable toys to climb and slide and bounce on.

We had a blast and I think the kids did too. My poor husband found at that he is too old to partake in such activities, he was unable to sit or walk for a couple of days until Dr. Jason was able to fix him.

We brought Brayden with us and he had a lot of fun playing and the other kids were great with him, which helped us decide that maybe this is the right thing to do right now.

This is me jousting against one of the kids - I won and didn't even cheat!

This is one of the pieces there, you crawled in through the yellow hole and it was an obstacle course/maze inside. Very easy for the smaller kids, very difficult for the adults. I have a bunch of pictures that show the place better, but they include the other kids and I don't want to post their pictures without permission, so just picture this thing times about 10 others like it, but with other activities.

Another thing that was much easier for the kids were these stinkin rock wall things. The just collapsed under our weight, but the kids thought it was very amusing that I couldn't climb it. (I did finally make it by cheating and taking off my socks so I could have some traction. I sure wasn't going to let the kids show me up on our first event together, they will have plenty of time for that!)

One of the girls took this video of Kyle and Brayden bouncing. Isn't he just the cutest thing!

Then last week Wednesday I took a much needed day off from work and Brayden and I went to my Mom and Dad's house to make applesauce. Since I had no idea what I was doing, Mom and Grandma were there to help. And thankfully they were because it is a lot of work to peel and cut all those apples.

Of course we had the biggest helper in the world helping us cut apples. I seriously think he could eat them faster than we could cut them.

In all we ended up with 14 jars and 5 zip-lock bags worth of applesauce (we ran out of matching jars and lids). I kept a couple of apples out because I wanted to try my Betty Crocker hand at some apple dumplings. Well... those didn't turn out nearly as good as the applesauce, and I am sure it was because Mom wasn't around. I guess there are some things you will never be able to do without your mom and I think baking is one of those things for me. And if you ask her, I am sure she has much more she could add to the list.

This past weekend, we took Brayden to Klackle's Orchard in Greenville. They had a bunch of activities set up for the kids along with wagons that pulled wagons out into the orchard so you could pick your own apples.

It was an absolutely beautiful day and we all had a great time. Brayden loved the apples, I think he ate five that day. At least he got in his servings of fruit, I guess. The place was packed and Brayden got tired so we didn't get to do everything that we wanted, but I don't think he really cared by that time.

Sorry for such a long post, but I wanted to include everything that we have been up to.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Funniest Video I Have Ever Seen!

We have been laughing at this video for a couple of weeks at work, so I thought I would share it with you.

Oh The Simple Things

This is just an example of how easily entertained our son is. He had a great time playing in his "tent" - he has been making a tent out of everything ever since we went camping this summer. If you look closely on the last picture, you will see the "Deters" nose sticking out... Sorry boy!

Finally a play date!

Last week Friday, Brayden and I met our wonderful friends Heather and Rachel at the Gardens for an afternoon of fun. The weather was fortunately gorgeous and the kids had a blast. It also gave Heather and I a chance to catch up, at least for a little while. I originally met Heather through my work, but we also ended up in a birthing class together at the hospital when we were pregnant. Rachel was born in June, so she is a month older than Brayden. Rachel was Brayden's very first girlfriend - he likes older women you know! Having children the same age has really helped Heather and I bond and now I absolutely love her!

Heather brought Rachel's wagon for the kids to ride in, but they only lasted about 3 minutes. It was very handy to put the diaper bags and such in though. And it gave the kids something to fight about, because WHO pulls the wagon is a very important job that only one child can do...

The gardens were completely decorated for fall already. They had some HUGE pumpkins set out (which for some reason I didn't get a picture of - maybe Heather did if she ever updates her blog) but the kids loved these little "pumpkins". They played with them forever and probably would have stayed even longer if we had let them.

The Gardens have a fabulous play area for kids with lots of activities that our their size. This is the kids' door to the children's garden. Brayden loved being able to go in and out it.

These trees came up in the middle of the treehouse in the children's area. They were labeled with the type of tree that they were. The kids loved being able to touch all of the different types of bark on the trees.

I just thought that this picture of him was cute. Every time I see a picture of him, it blows my mind how big he is getting!

They have these pools of water set up in the shapes of the Great Lakes for the kids to play in. Brayden loved driving the boat around all the different lakes - maybe he is going to end up being a sailor?

And this is where my child really got into the water - literally. He loved trying to drink out of the fountain - looking back on it probably not the best idea. Luckily Heather had warned me that these fountains were around so I was prepared with a change of clothes.

We had a great time at Frederick Meijer Gardens and probably would have stayed much longer, but the place was closing (at 5:00 on a Friday, seriously) and they started kicking us out. It was a great playdate, until we got to the parking lot. Ms. Grace here had a hard time walking from Heather's van to her car and took a tumble over the parking curb and onto her knees. Almost pulled a Brittany Spears, except I managed to save Brayden completely. Just totally jacked myself up. But hey, that is what I get for being a klutz!