Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Fun around the house
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Time just flies!

We also took Brayden to his very first Red Arrow football game. The Red Arrows took on Caledonia for a very good game. I have to say that I have never seen Red Arrow Stadium so full. The game was pretty stressful right around half time, but they ended up pulling of a win. Unfortunately, they couldn't keep the streak going and have now ended their season. :( We only stayed until the end of the third quarter, but he had a blast. We had to park at an elementary school and take a shuttle to the stadium, so he got to take his very first bus ride, which was beyond super exciting. Once we got to the game he got to see Brittany and Travis, some of his favorite people in the world. Brittany is a cheerleader, and since this is her senior year, this was also our last chance to see her cheer. Unfortunately, the picture I have of Brit isn't very good, the stinkin cheerleaders kept moving.