Saturday, March 21, 2009
I think I need help!
Saturday, March 14, 2009

His new light-up magical wand... Well worth the $8, almost!
Just a few kisses to give away!
Mommy and Brayden checking out the elephants. They were letting people ride them, of course, but he didn't seem interested at all. So, we just watched instead.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Change in pets

We miss you Bo-b0. Hope you have someone who loves you as much as we did, with room for you to play!
February Happenings
Putting "monies" in his Pennies for Peace bottle
Helping hang the family pictures that we had taken - in September...
The finished product
The big strong man with lots of muscles
And our little ham!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Random facts about Kyle
2.I played in the band all the way through middle and high school.
3.I had back surgery when i was 16 years old.
4.I love to watch the history channel.
5.I have at least 20 pair of white socks at all times.
6.My dad gave me a basketball for christmas at least 4 years in a row.
7. I make fun of everybody I work with, mostly to their face, and get a lot of the same in return. Its fun and makes work go by faster.
8. I have a passion for working on small engines. My dream is to some day open my own repair shop.
9. I have driven a race car with over 600 horsepower.
10. I love to hunt for deer, but have yet to actually shoot one. Someday.
11. I enjoy driving around the state in a semi truck and seeing many areas I would have never discovered on my own.
12. I try to be a tough dad, but I think my son knows he has me wrapped around his finger.
13. I tell my wife I love her pretty much every time we talk on the phone.
14. I enjoy doing the laundry and dishes.
15. I am anal with routines. I do the same thing every morning and if I don't, I'm lost for the day.
16. I love laying in bed with nicki and brayden in the morning on the weekends. We usually have an awesome time together.
17. I think I have a problem with flatulence
18. I don't get the whole face book thing.
19. I finally got nicki to let me grow a beard (try) after almost 8 years.
20. I believe I have found the person I was meant to be with forever.
Random facts about Brayden
2. His first favorite show was Signing Time, now it fluctuates between Scooby Doo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
3. He has to have his bot (favorite green blanket that goes everywhere with him), the two quilts that his Mimi made him, and a blanket that he stole from Grandma Marianne in order to go to bed. If anything is missing, it is not going to be a good night.
4. He loves to be tickled, even asks for it a lot. Most ticklish spots are his chest and the tops of his thighs.
5. He has a fabulous memory - maybe too good.
6. He learned to count to ten in Spanish seemingly on his own. He came home from daycare one day counting and they didn't teach him either.
7. He loves to play games, even making up his own.
8. One of his favorite activities is riding on the quad with Uncle Mike. He could do it all day every day if he could.
9. He was very afraid of the thought of Santa Claus coming into the house and leaving him presents - first time I have ever heard of such a thing.
10. He loves music - playing, singing, listening - doesn't matter.
11. He slept in his crib the very first night we brought him home and never slept a night outside of it as long as we were at home. He also never tried to climb outside of it, and would probably still be fine sleeping in it if I didn't get sick of having to lift him in and out.
12. He was born without the ability to swallow. He had to have a chiropractic adjustment while still in the hospital to release the nerve that enables the tongue to swallow.
13. He was so excited the first time I allowed him to color with markers. He had always been told before that he was too little. The look on his face was priceless, like he felt like he had finally become a big boy. Thanks Maggie for the ColorWonder markers that changed his life.
14. He would spend all day outside if he was allowed. Loves going for walks, playing in the snow, riding his car, swimming, anything that involves being outside.
15. He is obsessed with tools lately, wants to fix everything.
16. His favorite movie is Lion King - asks to watch it almost every single day.
17. He can't wait to grow "bigger and bigger so he can go hunting"
18. As of lately he keeps asking when he gets to be small enough to go back into Mommy's belly.
19. He finds going to church very exciting, in fact - gets mad if he finds out that we are going for some reason without him.
20. He hides from monsters on a regular basis, but doesn't seem to actually be afraid of them
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1. I take a nap whenever I get a chance
2. I eat when I am stressed
3. I get stressed very easily
4. I actually like my job - most days
5. I really want to get my degree, but have absolutely no desire to go back to school
6. I love shopping, especially if I get a bargain
7. I chew my nails when I am bored
8. I hate wearing shoes
9. I like reality television, but not if it includes "falling in love"
10. I easily get addicted to computer games, but only if they are easy
11. I like really hot baths and showers - to the point of scalding myself
12. I love laughing at stupid things
13. I find myself very entertaining most of the time.
14. I am very easily bored
15. I refuse to eat in public by myself
16. I love gummy candies - to an obsession lately
17.My favorite movie of all time is Grease
18. I secretly miss waitressing
19. I very often have very weird and bizarre dreams
20. I talk to my mom on the phone almost every day
21. I miss my husband if I don't at least talk to him during the day
22. I love being able to make Brayden laugh
23. I only like cheap wine
24. I sing very loudly in the car
25. This is harder than I thought it would be!
Of course, after I was done, I thought of a ton of other things that I could have included, but I guess you are going to have to wait until the next time before you get to know even more about my twisted inner thoughts!
Anatomy Lessons by Brayden
B: Where is your pee pee?
M: Mommies don't have pee pees.
B: But where is it, at the store?
M: No, only boys have pee pees. Mommies don't have one.
B: Oh, Daddy and Brayden have pee pees and mommy, you have nothing.
M: Yup, pretty much.
That is right, Mom's are worthless, they have nothin!
Christmas Continued, Finally
This is Brayden opening his gifts from Ben. He got some new cars, which he loves and a puzzle that mom loves :)
And here is Brayden playing with Sophie.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Christmas Continued
Here is Jack opening his gift from Brayden.
And Trin with the sweater that we got here. Isn't it as beautiful and sparkly as her!
And Brayden with his builder outfit that he got from Grandpa and Grandma! He loves all of his tools and it still "fixing" everything there could possibly be to fix. Even though I don't have a picture of her, Tiyler was also there and had just as much fun as the other kids did with their gifts.
Since Christmas Eve brought on yet another day of crappy weather and Kyle and I were both not feeling well, we opted to sit home instead of going to church. I decided to let Kyle and Brayden open a joint gift that I had gotten for them - a large collection of Lincoln Logs!
Daddy had a lot of fun building houses, and condos and towers with the Lincoln Logs...
... and Brayden had a blast knocking them over - sometimes before Daddy was ready for them to be knocked down.
700 Lincoln Logs make for some very tall towers - some even taller than our big boy!
Christmas Eve brought Santa - of course. Brayden decided this year that he did not want Santa in our house while he was sleeping, so Mommy talked to Santa and asked him to leave Brayden's presents at Daddy's truck. Then Daddy went outside and brought them in to put under the tree...
It took Daddy quite a few trips to bring all of these presents inside to put under the tree ;) I am not sure that he was a good enough boy last year to deserve all of these presents, but Santa must have thought differently.
Christmas morning was very exciting at the Holst house. Two and a half is the perfect age to see how magical and joyous Christmas can be. Brayden was so very excited with every present that was opened. He was very methodical, which was very entertaining to us. With every present, he would take off the bow and start unwrapping. As soon as he could see something, he would look up and squeal with excitement "Look Mommy/Daddy - I got THIS!!!" And then he would continue unwrapping it until he found out what "this" was. He was just as excited about the clothes and sneakers he got as he was about the toys and videos.
And this is what one spoiled boy, plus uncountable hours of shopping and wrapping look like when all is said and done.
Apologies and Christmas Activites - Part 1
Anyways, December was of course a very busy month for us, as it was for all I am sure. Here are some pictures to help sum up the month.
This is Brayden helping Daddy put the tree together.
And helping Mommy put ornaments on the tree. He was such a big help decorating the tree this year.
Here is Brayden trying to sit under the tree. If you look at the branches right around him, you will notice that they are the branches that he decorated. There are at least 3 ornaments on each branch - he really liked those branches.
And our boy with the finished product.
December brought a lot of opportunities to clean up the snowfall. Here Daddy and Brayden are shoveling the deck! He really does enjoy it - I promise!
He so desperately wants to be a big boy so he can do what Daddy does!
We went to Lowell's Christmas Parade, which was held at night this year. We had a great time, even though it was FREEZING that night.