Thursday, September 25, 2008
Funniest Video I Have Ever Seen!
Oh The Simple Things
Finally a play date!
Heather brought Rachel's wagon for the kids to ride in, but they only lasted about 3 minutes. It was very handy to put the diaper bags and such in though. And it gave the kids something to fight about, because WHO pulls the wagon is a very important job that only one child can do...
These trees came up in the middle of the treehouse in the children's area. They were labeled with the type of tree that they were. The kids loved being able to touch all of the different types of bark on the trees.
I just thought that this picture of him was cute. Every time I see a picture of him, it blows my mind how big he is getting!
They have these pools of water set up in the shapes of the Great Lakes for the kids to play in. Brayden loved driving the boat around all the different lakes - maybe he is going to end up being a sailor?
And this is where my child really got into the water - literally. He loved trying to drink out of the fountain - looking back on it probably not the best idea. Luckily Heather had warned me that these fountains were around so I was prepared with a change of clothes.
We had a great time at Frederick Meijer Gardens and probably would have stayed much longer, but the place was closing (at 5:00 on a Friday, seriously) and they started kicking us out. It was a great playdate, until we got to the parking lot. Ms. Grace here had a hard time walking from Heather's van to her car and took a tumble over the parking curb and onto her knees. Almost pulled a Brittany Spears, except I managed to save Brayden completely. Just totally jacked myself up. But hey, that is what I get for being a klutz!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
To my husband

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Another Singing Video
This is his favorite song to sing, which is why I wanted to make sure this video made it on here.
Beautiful Fall Evening

By the end of the night, Brayden had even learned that he can climb up the slide itself, and that it was just as much fun going up this way than sliding down.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
American Idol or America's Got Talent?
Lazy, Rainy Day
I was bored and hungry, so I decided that we were going to make chocolate-chip cookies, except that we had no chocolate chips. Off to Meijer Kyle went. By the time he got back, Brayden decided that he didn't want to make cookies with me, but wanted to do it with his dad. You know, since Dad had been gone FOREVER!!! (Meijer is a really long ways away...)
Here are my guys making cookies:

He always will take time to be a ham!

Best part of making cookies is licking the spoon. Like father, like son.

After cookies and dinner, we decided to color. Brayden got some of the Crayola ColorWonder markers for his birthday and they are the best things ever. They will only color on special paper, so there is no mess involved. And he feels like such a big boy being able to use markers.

Here is some of his fabulous art work. We are willing to sell it to the highest bidder, it will even be signed and numbered :)

This picture is completely unrelated, and was taken one day last week, but it so reminds me of my little brother that I had to post it. Kyle doesn't think it looks like Michael at all, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A fun night

America's Favorite Pastime
Monday, September 8, 2008
Big Boy Bed

He really loves being able to get in and out of it all by himself. He has done a much better job adjusting then we thought he would. We had one bad nap last weekend where he refused to stay in it, but after making him sleep in his baby bed (pack-n-play), we have not had any other problems. All we have to do is threaten the baby bed, and he is all of a sudden pretty content to stay in bed. Once he was settled in his new bed, we decided that it was also time to get rid of the binkies. I told him that we gave them to a baby since he was now a big boy and no longer needed them. He still asks about them occasionally, especially when he is upset or really tired, but again we really lucked out and have not had any major problems.
I am not sure if I had all these big steps so worked up in my head that they just weren't as bad as I had expected or if we are just really lucky, but either way the transition has really been a breeze. And for that I am eternally greatful!
2nd Birthday Party

Friday, September 5, 2008
Fourth of July
The day of the Fourth started out with the annual Art Fair in downtown Harbor Springs. We saw some very beautiful pieces, but nothing that had to come home with us.
The parade in Harbor Springs is a very grand event. With all the hub-bub surrounding it, you would have thought that we were in front of Macy's on Thanksgiving Day.

This is us waiting for the parade to start. As you can see, there were tons of people in town. Some actually put their chairs out on the curb the night before, saving their spots. The parade was over an hour long, so by the time it was done, we were all burnt and we had one tired little boy. He actually fell asleep on the walk back to the car.
The fireworks that night were probably some of the most beautiful that we have every seen. They shoot them off over the bay, so the reflection off the water just adds to the appeal.
We had a great family trip and hope to be able to spend lots of summer time in the Great North.
Better Late Than Never
Brayden is now two years old. He is so much fun for us, but also getting to be very trying. For some reason he seemed to inherit some stubborn genes (not sure where he got those).