I was bored and hungry, so I decided that we were going to make chocolate-chip cookies, except that we had no chocolate chips. Off to Meijer Kyle went. By the time he got back, Brayden decided that he didn't want to make cookies with me, but wanted to do it with his dad. You know, since Dad had been gone FOREVER!!! (Meijer is a really long ways away...)
Here are my guys making cookies:

He always will take time to be a ham!

Best part of making cookies is licking the spoon. Like father, like son.

After cookies and dinner, we decided to color. Brayden got some of the Crayola ColorWonder markers for his birthday and they are the best things ever. They will only color on special paper, so there is no mess involved. And he feels like such a big boy being able to use markers.

Here is some of his fabulous art work. We are willing to sell it to the highest bidder, it will even be signed and numbered :)

This picture is completely unrelated, and was taken one day last week, but it so reminds me of my little brother that I had to post it. Kyle doesn't think it looks like Michael at all, let me know what you think.

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