We had Brayden's 2nd birthday party the weekend after his birthday. The day was blazing hot, but I think everyone had fun all the same.
As a payoff for all the evenings that he has spent away from us while picking up extra work at the hardware store, Kyle was able to get one of the big rental bouncy toys for "the kids" to play with.

I think that the adults had at least as much fun on it as the kids did. In the background you can also see the new swing set that Kyle and I spent many hot evening hours trying to paint. It is such a blessing to have something right in our yard for Brayden to play with.
Anyways, we of course had to have cake for the little guys party, and since we started what seems to now be a tradition of an ice cream cake at his first party, we had the same thing this year.
It is the easiest cake to make and everyone in our family LOVES it, so it wins every time there is an option.
Brayden of course made out like a bandit when it came to presents, even though I tried telling everyone that this poor child is seriously in need of nothing.
I still can't believe that my baby is two years old, actually by this point 2 years and 2 months old. It is amazing how fast time flies, but at the same time we can't imagine life without him and have no recollection of how it was before he arrived.
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